Yesterday I've met Moncat again. She was carrying a huge red bag with her. When I looked inside, I saw selected Qualities of Sewing materials. Leather Imitation for bags and belts, special plastics, etc. I was very impressed, to tell U the truth,It's very hard to find the right materials for a costume nowadays...
She has the contact with special shops, she tells them what she needs, and they help us out.(Thanxx to her mother in law) I think yesterday,
was the day of delivery or something like that. But If you ask me, she shouldn't have to carry all those heavy stuff with her.
I told her, next time call me, and I'll take her by car. Easier to get everything, and on topa' that, there was a very hot day yesterday, and it will go on this week....35 C degrees, huh.
That's the way she is...always get the chance to having this treasure, and work with. ( She does her best, Thanxx to her :) )
So T-elos's dress will be much-much better then before, and I haven't mentioned her accessories! I mean Shion's CL and her shoes too.
I also took a bag with me. It was my duty to visit the main second hand shops in Budapest, and buy, what we could use in the future. It's about Fang and Vanille, you know! :)
With these new materials I robbed a Bank!!! YEEEEAAAH!
Just as Moncat, I'll do my best "to complete my resurrection as the true Mary Magdalene" XD
I have plenty of time too, I think, I don't have to worry about time or other cosplayer's plans. This is the bright side of individuality, I think.
Ildee,-our new photographer, who is not a newbie- also has plans. When I told her about Xenosaga, she became so excited, told me that she'll find a preciuos place to shoot the pixx..I sill don't know what could that be, I can only speculate...but I hope there will be a place to change dresses.
Here's photo of our new materials, sorry the pic is dark, because it's still to hot in BP, and I tried to close all the doors and windows and put up dark curtains too, I think this will help us out for a little, but I'll tell Blage to buy an air conditioning system, 'cause I can't stand this weather anymore....yes It's a shame.
What would I do If I needed to put on Belias's costume again??? I would run away.. :)